Dear All,
St John the Baptist
- Sunday 2nd February 11.15am Holy Communion taken by Revd Steve Bullock
- Sunday 9th February No Service due to Panto Rehearsal
- Sunday 16th February 11.15am Holy Communion taken by Revd Julie Nicholson
- Sunday 23rd February 11.15am Family Service taken by the Family Service Team
Cat & Custard Pot
- Coffee Morning this month is on Tuesday 18th February at 11am
- Quiz Night on Thursday 20th February at 6pm for a 7pm start. Please book a table 01666 880249
- Live Music every Sunday evening in the Pizza Chalet
Shipton Moyne Panto
Don’t forget your tickets for the Panto. Still a few left!
email: shiptonmoyne@gmail.com
Beth: 07768 506023
Any more news let me know
Village Website: www.shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk