Village News 28th April 2023

Village News 28th April 2023

Dear All,

Newsletter Delivery

This newsletter is covering all the planned events in the village for the next month. This is so that a printed copy can be delivered once a month to those who don’t have an email account. Any changes to events will be sent out when necessary

Coronation Celebrations

On Saturday 6th May the program for the village is as follows:

  • 3.30pm Celebration Bellringing.
  • 4pm Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving taken by the Revd Julie Nicholson.
  • 5pm Tea and Cakes in the Village Hall and Carpark, Skittles followed by BBQ and Bar.  

These events are free for villagers, but donations are very welcome. There will be donation pots at the event.

St John the Baptist

There is no service in the church this Sunday. There will be a Benefice Service of Evensong at Long Newnton at 6pm on Sunday 30th.  All welcome.

  • Saturday 6th – 4pm Service of Celebration & Thanksgiving
  • Sunday 7th – No service in Shipton Moyne
  • Saturday 13th – Wedding of Alexander Rose and Suzie Dowty 3.30pm
  • Sunday 14th – 11.15am Matins taken by Revd Julie Nicholson
  • Sunday 21st – 11.15am Holy Communion taken by Revd Poppy Hughes
  • Saturday 27th – 11am Baptism 
  • Sunday 28th – 11.15am Family Service

Coffee Morning

This month’s coffee morning at the Cat & Custard Pot is at 11am on Tuesday 16th May.

Parish Council

Many thanks to the long-serving members of the Parish Council who have recently retired. In particular, Doreen Gibbings who has been on the Council for 51 years, Christopher Hallpike who was our chairman, and Anne Carr-Jones all of whom have given great service. 

There is a Parish Council meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 16th May in the Village Hall. The Council is looking for a 5th member, if you are interested in joining the team, please let me know.

Tetbury Hospital Hike 2023

The Fundraising Walk is on Sunday 14th May this year. Starting and ending in the paddock at the top of Church Lane. Do join in for a wonderful walk around the Estcourt Estate. Please see the attached leaflet for details.

Any more news let me know.


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