Dear All
Sorry a bit late this week – we have the grandchildren staying!
St John The Baptist
There will be a family service on Sunday morning at 11.15am taken by Julie Nicholson. Coffee, soft drinks and biscuits afterwards. All welcome.
The following Sunday (2nd October) there is no service in the village church as there is a benefice service in Tetbury for the Tetbury Music Festival.
Message from Julie Nicholson
Next Saturday, 1st October, Julie Nicholson will be baptising her granddaughter in St John’s. The service will be at 3.30pm. If you would like to join Julie and her family for the service and celebrate with a glass of bubbly in the church afterwards, you would be very welcome.
Julie x
On Friday 7th October at 6.30pm there will be a one hour refresher course in the use of the defibrillator at the village hall. This is for those who have already been trained to use it, and for anyone else who would like to be trained to do so. Please let a parish councillor know if you want to come.
Parish Council
Just a reminder – these are your Parish Councillors:
Christopher Hallpike
Doreen Gibbings
Anne Carr-Jones
Lucinda Rose
Beth Birdwood
Date of the next parish council meeting is Tuesday 15th November in the village hall at 7pm. Anyone is welcome to attend and ask questions.
Avon Vale Football Club
As many of you know the club plays at the Rec on Saturdays. The season has just started. If you would like your youngsters to join please contact Jo.
Any more news let me know,