Village News 24th June 2023

Village News 24th June 2023

Dear All,

St John the Baptist

Sunday 25th June No Service in Shipton Moyne.  Instead at 10.30am there will be a Holy Communion Benefice Service at Tetbury taken by Revd Steve Bullock.  This is the first service that Steve will be taking after being ordained. The service will be followed by lunch at the Vicarage.

  • Sunday 2nd July 11.15am Holy Communion taken by Revd Julie Nicholson.
  • Sunday 9th July 11.15am Matins taken by Revd Julie Nicholson.
  • Sunday 16th July 11.15am Holy Communion.  Celebrant to be confirmed.
  • Sunday 23rd July 11.15am Family Service.
  • Sunday 30th July 6pm Benefice Evensong at Shipton Moyne taken by Revd Julie Nicholson.

Cat & Custard Pot

Coffee Morning in July will be on 18th July at 11am. All welcome.

Eliza Dear

Eliza Dear died peacefully in her sleep on the night of 13 June aged 88. There will be a memorial service at St John the Baptist Church Shipton Moyne at 4 pm on Friday 14 July. Followed by drinks at Fosse Tillery Farm, Brokenborough, SN16 0JL.

Any more news let me know,


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