Village News 24th August 2024

Village News 24th August 2024

Dear All,

I hope everyone has been enjoying the August weather (apart from this morning!)

News and events for the next month:

St John the Baptist

  • Sunday 25th August – Animal Service – Our annual informal service to bless our pets and other animals. Do come along and bring all your four legged friends (or any other number of legs…), for a blessing and a friendly chat and coffee afterwards.  If it’s fine the service will be outside as usual. The service is being taken by Julie Nicholson.
  • Sunday 1st September – Holy Communion 11.15am. Taken by Julie Nicholson.
  • Sunday 8th September – Matins 11.15am. Taken by Julie Nicholson.
  • Sunday 15th September – Holy Communion 11.15am. Taken by Rev Ian Aveyard.
  • Sunday 22nd September – Family Service 11.15am. Taken by the Family Service Team.
  • Sunday 29th September – Benefice Evensong 6.00pm. Taken by Julie Nicholson. (No morning service this day).

Elizabeth Hodges Trust

A message from Caroline Baker:

The Trustees of the Elizabeth Hodges Trust will be holding its next meeting on Tuesday 15th October 2024. Anyone who would like to be considered for a grant to help towards promoting education should apply in writing. All grants to assist with further studies either at University or on an apprenticeship, are looked at individually and are considered on the educational merit. The Deed specifies that the income of the Foundation shall be used in promoting education (including social and physical education) to persons under the age of 25 who live, or whose parents live, within the following parishes: Shipton Moyne, Long Newnton, Westonbirt and Lasborough, Didmarton, Ashley and Tetbury Upton, and require financial assistance. Therefore, you do not need to be going to University to apply, we will also consider apprenticeships, educational trips and equipment purchases, etc for the furtherance of education (including the study of music and other arts). Anyone who wishes to be considered for a grant should write to the Clerk to the Trustees:-

Mrs. H. Turner
Holly Cottage
The Street
Glos GL9 1DS

The Trustees do ask that you give us as much information as possible about the course or apprenticeship you will be studying or working towards, where you will be studying and how the grant monies will be utilised.

Message From Gloucestershire Police

There have been two burglaries in your area overnight.

Between 6pm on Tuesday 20th and 7:30am on Wednesday 21st August 2024 two properties in or near Shipton Moyne have been burgled. One burglary happened at a house located on The Street when thieves smashed a window to gain entry to a house under renovation. Power tools were stolen from within.

The second burglary occurred at a farm just outside the village where a stable block was entered and horse riding equipment was stolen.

For advice on keeping your property safe, you can find plenty of crime prevention advice on our website:

If you have any information about these incidents, or saw anything or anyone suspicious in the village, we’d like to hear from you. Please complete the following online form quoting incident 107 of 21st August 2024:

Coffee Morning

As usual this is on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (17th Sept) at 11.00am. Do come along!

Parish Council

There is a meeting of the Parish Council in the Village Hall on 10th September at 7pm. The meeting is open to the public as always, and there is an opportunity to make a brief representation to the council, regarding any matters of concern.

Any more news let me know,


Village Website: