Dear All,
St John the Baptist
There is a service of Matins this Sunday at 11.15 taken by the churchwardens. All welcome.
On Wednesday 13th October the funeral Mr John Drew is at at 1pm in Shipton Moyne.
Following the service, Mr Drew will be buried into the grave of his late wife “ Christine Elizabeth Drew” who died about 2001. (She was known as Bet and was from the Evans family in Shipton Moyne) The service will be taken by the Rev Pauline Setterfield.
A big thank you to all who contributed to the collection for Tetbury Food Bank at the Harvest Service.
The Coffee Morning is Back
The coffee morning is restarting. It will be the third Tuesday in the month at 11.00am. The first one will be on Tuesday 19th October. Delicious cakes and coffee at the Cat & Custard Pot. All welcome.
Harvest Supper
Do any of these dishes belong to you? They are all in the Birdwood porch. Some of them have been here since 2019! Please come and collect them.

Freddie Baker
Freddie is on his gap year and happy to help with anything you have if you need him! He’s doing odd shifts here and there but if he could help in any way please let us know! £10 per hour.
Any other news, please let me know.