Dear All,
St John the Baptist
Tomorrow is Mothering Sunday. There will be a service of Holy Communion at 11.15am, taken by Julie Nicholson. All welcome.
Julie writes:
Origins of Mothering Sunday
Celebrated this Sunday. The custom of Mothering Sunday is different to what has become known as Mother’s Day. The origins date back to the middle ages when children and young people, often those in service, were allowed home on that day to visit their families and return to the church where they were baptised. Wild flowers would be picked along the way to give to their mothers or placed in the church. The custom of handing out flowers continues in churches to this day.
Palm Sunday
Readers needed to participate in the dramatic reading of the Passion narrative at the Palm Sunday.service on 2nd April. There will be a short rehearsal / run through the day before.
Please contact Julie if you are interested in taking part.
Thursday pizza in the pub
This coming Thursday (23rd), there will be a pizza night for the ladies. Meet in the pizza chalet at 7.30pm
Please let Julie, Beth or Miriam know if you’re coming so we can book a table. All (ladies) welcome. If you need a lift, please let us know.
Potted Lent Course Discussion Evening
The benefice Lent Course this year focuses on the ‘I am’ statements of Jesus, of which there are seven. If you would like to join a discussion to explore what these statements do or don’t mean to you over one evening, please come along on Friday 24th March 7.30pm. If you need a lift, please let Julie know.
Hosted by Emma Weir, at Court Cottage. Led by Julie Nicholson
Julie mobile 07850367779, landline 880870, email julieshiptonmoyne@gmail.com
Classes in Village Hall
Message from Caroline Baker:
The Village Hall now hosts on a Wednesday morning Monika’s Health and Wellbeing Classes. She runs two classes:
Tai Chi – 10 am to 11 am
Gentle Postural Stability training – 11.15 am to 12.15 pm
For more details call Monika on 07840 826306
Paris(h) Marathon
James would like to say thank you to all the donations received so far. He’s halfway to his target!
Two weeks to go and training is going well so far. www.justgiving.com/fundraising/james-birdwood
Any more news let me know
Village Website: www.shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk