Dear All,
Break-in and Burglary in the Village
The Glebe House was broken into on the night of Thursday 9th May whilst Richard and Lucy were in the house. Quite a lot was stolen. They would not like it to happen to anyone else so please be vigilant and lock up all your goods and keep the windows locked.
A Message From Doreen Gibbings
I would like to thank everyone who was involved in the wonderful surprise Party you gave me for my ninety Birthday. It really was a surprise. I appreciate the time and thought that went into making it so successful, and for the delicious tea that was provided.
Church Cleaning
We are planning on a cleaning session in the church on Saturday 25th May at 10am. Please come along and give an hour of your time. It would be very much appreciated.
A New Arrival
Suzie and Alex Rose have a new addition to the village. Cosmo Harry Rose was born on Saturday 27th April. 7lbs 6oz. He is doing very well and has just attended his first Horse Trials!
Any more news let me know
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