Dear All,
As many of you know, this Sunday will be Poppy’s last service at Shipton Moyne. It would be lovely to see as many as possible at the service, especially those whose family have had baptisms, weddings or funerals taken by Poppy over the last 11 years.
There will be a glass of wine and nibbles in church after the service.
The following is a message from Pauline Setterfield:
As you are aware, after nearly eleven years of faithful ministry and dedicated leadership, our beloved Rector Poppy is moving on to pastures new to become Vicar of St Peter’s Grange Park in London.
If you would like to contribute towards a leaving gift for Poppy, the details are as follows:-
The easiest way to give is by bank transfer
Account name: Tetbury PCC
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-92-06
Account number: 01504825
Reference: Poppy
It would be most helpful to use the reference “Poppy” as treasurer Mike Hardwick then knows for certain the receipt relates to Poppy’s leaving gift.If you wish to pay by cheque, the cheque should be made payable to Tetbury PCC. Cheques or cash can be given to Mike Hardwick (treasurer), Sue Thomas (churchwarden) or Diana Sharp in the Church Office.
Any more news let me know,
Village Website: www.shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk