Village News 8th January 2022

Village News 8th January 2022

Dear All,

St John the Baptist

There will be a service of Matins tomorrow morning at 11.15am taken by the Rev. Pauline Setterfield.

Children’s Clothing

Rebecca at Rose Cottage B and B has a selection of baby and toddler clothes 0 to 18 months for sale. They are new and colourful!

If you would be interested in seeing them please ring her on 01666 880596

Tetbury Hospital Walk – Save the Date

The next Tetbury Hospital Walk is on May 15th.  The walk is through the Estcourt Estate .  It is a lovely opportunity to see parts of the estate that are normally off limits.  The walk starts and ends in the village.  If you would like to book your tickets please contact Rachel Baker

Any other news please let me know,
