Dear All,
Guy Fawkes Night
Have you got your tickets yet for tomorrow evening? £10 for adults and £5 for children to include a burger or hot dog, a drink and a sparkler! Please bring cash for additional food or drinks. Tickets are available from Doreen Gibbings at 3 Southside or the pub. Last minute tickets will be available on the gate.
St John the Baptist
There will be a service of Holy Communion this Sunday at 11.15am taken by the Revd Julie Nicholson. All welcome.
Poster attached for the remembrance day event which Julie is organizing. This promises to be a wonderful and moving evening. There will be a glass of wine and canapes afterwards. No charge but there will be a collection for the British Legion.
Christmas Bazaar 19th November 2.30 – 5.00pm in the Village Hall – A Reminder from Pauline Curthoys
Pauline and Diane are running the tombola at the Christmas bazaar. We would very much appreciate if you could bring unwanted gifts or bottles of wine or spirits to one of us – that would be great. Doreen is running a raffle and would be also grateful for any prizes.
I’ll remind you all again next week!
Any news let me know,