Dear All,
St John the Baptist
Here are the church services for the next month.
- Sunday 1st October – No service. Benefice Service in Tetbury for Tetbury Music Festival at 10.30 am You can also share in the 10.30am worship in church or on live stream – https://www.facebook.com/St.MarysTetbury/posts. Please click on the link to join the service or watch the recording later.
- Sunday 8th October – 11.15am Matins taken by Revd Julie Nicholson.
- Sunday 15th October – 11.15 am Holy Communion taken by Revd Julie Nicholson.
- Sunday 22nd October – 11.15am Family Service.
- Sunday 29th October – No service on Sunday morning. Benefice Evensong at Beverston 6.30pm .
Safari Supper
Have you got your tickets for the Safari Supper yet? Please contact Caroline Baker to check there are still spaces available. cbakerz@aol.com.
Tickets are £25 all proceeds to be split between village charities.
Upcoming events in Shipton Moyne
Friday 10th November – St John the Baptist – Sacred Hearts
Following the successful evening of stories, poetry and music to mark Remembrance last year, we will repeat this. Please put the date in your diaries and think about family members or village history that could be included.
Saturday 2nd December – St John the Baptist
A musical mystery tour cabaret evening with Holly Anne Thody and guest. A wonderful evening of music, song and story. Put the date in your diary now. Ticket info and more details soon.
It’s behind you! Oh no it isn’t! Oh yes it is!
Panto Comes To Shipton Moyne
It has been suggested that Shipton Moyne should have its own village panto. A great idea. Ideally this would involve the whole community, young and old, performers, backstage, all elements of production, including writing/adapting our own script. Lots of roles and opportunities for a fun and wonderful village event. More info and details to follow but now is the time to gather interest and start planning. Time scale for staging the panto is likely to be late January/early February. Please get in touch if you would like to be involved at any level. I hope many will if this great idea is to happen.
Please email me or leave me a message with interest and your top three pantos of choice on my landline.
Please contact Julie Nicholson if you would like to participate in any of these events. julie.karina.nicholson@gmail.com.
Any more news let me know,
Village Website: www.shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk