Dear All,
Quite a long email this month. Please don’t give up before you reach the end!
St John the Baptist
Here are the services for the next month:
- Sunday June 30th – No service in Shipton Moyne Benefice Evensong at Long Newnton taken by the Revd. Poppy Hughes 6pm. If anyone would like a lift please contact Julie Nicholson or James Birdwood.
- Sunday July 7th – Holy Communion 11.15am taken by Revd. Steven Bullock.
- Sunday July 14th – Matins 11.15am taken by the Revd Poppy Hughes. This will be Poppy’s last service in Shipton Moyne before she moves to her new appointment in London.
- Sunday July 21st – No service in Shipton Moyne – Benefice Service at St Mary’s Tetbury 10.00am – Poppy Hughes last service in the benefice.
- Sunday July 28th – Family Service 11.15am – Taken by the Family Service Team.
Rev’d Poppy Hughes
A Message From Rev’d Pauline Setterfield:
Poppy Hughes will be leaving the Tetbury Benefice next month and the Churchwardens are organising a collection for a leaving present for her.
The following is a message from Mike Hardwick, Treasurer of Tetbury Church:
The easiest way for people to contribute would be by bank transfer. The details are
Account name: Tetbury PCC
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-92-06
Account number: 01504825
Reference: Poppy
It helps if people use the reference “Poppy” as I then know for certain the receipt relates to Poppy’s leaving gift.
If people want to pay by cheque, the cheque should be made payable to Tetbury PCC. Cheques or cash could be given to me (Mike Hardwick), Sue Thomas, or Diana in the Church Office.
Doreen Gibbings 90th Birthday
For memory lane, please find a couple of photos of Doreen’s 90th birthday party below:

Laetitia Hardie
Thank you to all who have made a contribution to the maintenance of the churchyard in memory of Laetitia. If anyone would still like to make a contribution either in cash or bank transfer, it is being coordinated by Pauline Curthoys.
Mrs Pauline Curthoys
Here are a few words written by her daughter Olivia:
It is with a mixture of great sorrow at the loss but with immense gratitude for having had such a wonderful mother and for so long that I am letting you all know that Mummy died peacefully in her sleep aged 105 at 6.10 this morning in the devoted care of St. Monica Trust.
She will now join my beloved father in Shipton Moyne churchyard in the Gloucestershire countryside they so loved. It is a provision of her Will that the funeral be private. We are to have a service by the graveside from the Book of Common Prayer to be conducted by the Reverend Nicholas Maddock who was her rector while she was living in Wrington and who has been such a faithful friend to her during the six years she spent in her nursing home.
Her days on this earth were long, happy and fulfilled. She was a blessing beyond measure to her family and others too numerous to count. Her life was greatly enriched by your friendship (and in many cases of your parents too).
Thank you for all that you meant to her.
As she was looking down the years she once told me that her headmistress used to say that whenever she heard laughter she knew Laetitia was not far away.
With love,
Ian Spruels
A message from Ian’s daughter Mel
Please see attached the donation receipt from the Cobalt charity.

Panto – Beauty and the Beast
Oh no there isn’t…Oh yes there is…still time to get in touch if you would like to be involved in the panto and haven’t already expressed an interest or volunteered.
I will be getting in touch over the next week with all who have so far volunteered to help backstage or in performance, with details of what happens next.
Please do think about getting involved in this community event. If you are interested but not sure about commitment, what you might do, or uncertain in any way, please give me a call or send an email. I will happily come and talk things through with you. I may also knock on your door to try and charm you into being involved. Please don’t batten down the hatches if you see me coming….
Luckington Farm Family Open Day
A message from Janie Dear, as per the attached poster.
Please come and join us on Saturday, 13th July for our open day. There will be lots to do and see for all the family, farm walk, BBQ, craft beer, farm produce on sale and some new and exciting products. For further information, please get in touch with Alasdair.
Saturday 13th July – 10am – 4pm
Family Farm Open Day and Farm Walk
Food and bar
Children’s activates
Luckington Farm:
What3Words location https://what3words.com/trio.eggplants.wept
Order Online: www.luckingtonfarm.com
For enquiries, please contact:
Alasdair Hill: M: 07881 388 292 E: alasdair@luckingtonfarm.com

Archie Baker
Archie is looking for some Gap Year work if anyone is looking for some help over the summer.
Please contact Archie as below:

Andy Kent
Andy has a TV for sale
Panasonic 32 inch HD ready TV HD ready Freeview Tuner not HD Good picture but if used with Sky or HD Freeview box it’s brilliant Old TV but still good No remote:

Missed Bins
Cotswold District Council has a service for picking up waste from bins that were missed on normal collection days. It can be reported on their website. Here is their summary:
If your bin or recycling has not been collected you can report it as missed after 4pm on collection day. You need to let us know within two days of the missed collection.
Before reporting a missed bin please make sure that:
- you had put the bin out by 7am
- there was no extra waste by the side of the bin
- any recycling was in the correct boxes
- your garden waste bin had a valid licence
- bin lids were closed
Any more news let me know,
Village Website: www.shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk