Dear All,
Safari Supper
A big thank you to all the hosts and helpers for this fantastic event. But especially to Caroline for organizing it with her usual quiet efficiency!
St John the Baptist – Services for November
- 29th October – No service in Shipton Moyne. Benefice Evensong at Beverston at 6pm. All welcome.
- 5th November – 11.15am Holy Communion, taken by Rev Julie Nicholson.
- 12th November – 10.50am Remembrance Sunday, with 2 min silence at 11.00am and laying of the wreath. Taken by Rev Julie NIcholson.
- 19th November – 11.15am Holy Communion taken by Rev Julie Nicholson.
- 26th November – No morning service. 6.00pm Evensong taken by Rev Julie Nicholson. This is a special request by Martin Unwin.
Other Events
Splendid Hearts
Friday 10th November
After last year’s wonderful event, we are again having an evening of reflection for remembrance in the church on Friday 10th November at 7pm. The flyer for this is attached. Do let Julie know if you have a poem, a letter or a song you would like to share.
Musical Mystery Tour
Saturday 2nd December
A cabaret evening with Holly Anne Thody and guest(s). A wonderful evening of music, song and story. Poster attached. Not to be missed! Starts at 6.30pm.
Saturday 18th November
Please join us in the Village Hall at 3.00pm for a general get-together to catch up with friends and neighbours, and some early Christmas Shopping. There will be a raffle, cake stall, tombola, craft stalls, tea and cake.
If anyone knows of a crafter who would like a table at the event, please do be in touch with Caroline Baker 01666 880356 or cbakerz@aol.com
Tuesday 14th November
The regular Parish Council meeting will be in the village hall at 6.30pm. The public are welcome to attend and raise any issues at the start of the meeting.
Dates for your Diaries:
Church Cleaning
Tuesday 5th December 10.00am. All welcome – many hands make light work!
Carol Singing
Thursday 14th December, Meet at the Birdwoods at 6pm. More details to follow.
It’s behind you! Oh no it isn’t! Oh yes it is!
Panto Comes To Shipton Moyne
Planning is under way for our own village panto. I hope this will involve the whole community, young and old, performers, back stage, all elements of production, including writing/adapting our own script. I have already had several volunteers! Lots of roles and opportunities for a fun and wonderful village event. More info and details to follow but now is the time to gather interest and start planning. Time scale for staging the panto is likely to be late January/early February. Please get in touch if you would like to be involved at any level.
Please email me or leave a message on my phone with interest and your top three pantos of choice.
07850 367779
Mobile Post Office
This visits the village every Monday and Thursday between 10.30 and 11.30, at the entrance to Southside. A wide range of services is available, including paying in cash and cheques to bank accounts. This is a great service; let’s make sure we use it!
Coffee Morning
Do come along for the regular coffee morning at the Cat at 11.00am on the third Tuesday of the month.
Any more news let me know,
Village Website: www.shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk