Dear All,
St John the Baptist
There will be a Family Service tomorrow at 11.15am, taken by the family service team, with Julie Nicholson giving the talk. All welcome to this short service with coffee and biscuits (and soft drinks) afterwards.
Easter Flowers and Flower Rota
We will be doing the flowers for Easter Sunday on Saturday morning, at 10am (8th April). Please could anyone who would like to help email Lucinda Rose (lucinda.m.rose@gmail.com) and state whether they have a particular part of the church which they would like to decorate!
The Flower Rota will start from Sunday 16th April, if there is anyone who would like to join the flower rota please let Lucinda know so she can add your name to the list.
Local Elections
Elections for Parish and District Councillors will take place on Thursday 4th May. As usual our Polling station will be the village hall, and as you may have noticed you will need to bring photo ID with you.
Shipton Moyne Parish Council needs to elect 5 Councillors. The current councillors are:
- Christopher Hallpike
- Doreen Gibbings
- Beth Birdwood
- Anne Carr-Jones
- Lucinda Rose
Christopher Hallpike is standing down after many years of diligent service, for which we are very grateful. If there are more than five candidates then an election is held. If not then the candidates are appointed without a vote.
Do consider standing – it is not very onerous and the council has an important role to play in the village.
Nominations for election close at 4pm on Tuesday 4th April and must be hand delivered to Cotswold District Council, nomination papers are available on Cotswold District Council website. –
The council holds 5/6 meetings a year, usually on a Tuesday at 7pm in the Village Hall.
For more information contact the Clerk, Jenny Hunt, by email – shiptonmoynepc@gmail.com
Luckington Farm Beef
Message from Janie Dear:
Dear All,
Barbecue time is coming!
Our 100% Grass-Fed Beef is a fantastic reason to light your fire! We still have some limited cuts for a barbecue available:
- Ribeye steaks
- Skirt
- Brisket
- Rump steaks
- Burgers
And we also some stewing options if you still prefer an indoor option:
- Shin (whole piece and in thick slices)
- Mince
- Diced stewing steak.
Don’t miss out! To order by phone or email please contact:
Alejandro Bengochea: 07471822856 alejandro@luckingtonfarm.com
Lent Discussion
Correction to last week’s email:
The benefice Lent Course this year focuses on the ‘I am’ statements of Jesus, of which there are seven. If you would like to join a discussion to explore what these statements do or don’t mean to you over one evening, please come along on Friday 31st March 7.30pm. If you need a lift, please let Julie know.
Hosted by Emma Weir, at Court House. Led by Julie Nicholson.
Julie mobile 07850367779, landline 880870, email julieshiptonmoyne@gmail.com
Paris(h) Marathon
James and Hugo’s training is still going well. Only a week to go now – hoping the rubbish will be cleared away by then!
Many thanks again for all the support. They are well over halfway to the target, and any more help would be very gratefully received. www.justgiving.com/fundraising/james-birdwood
Any more news let me know,
Village Website: www.shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk