Dear All,
Hope you’re not feeling too battered by the storms. Good to see the snowdrops starting to come out!
Beer & Hymns
As mentioned in my last email this will be in the Pizza Chalet at the Cat on Sunday at 6pm. Do come along and join in, and have a think about any favourites you’d like to sing. If they’re in the book, Ian and James are confident they can play them!
This is instead of the Family Service that day, so there will be no morning service this Sunday.
St John the Baptist
Services for next month are:
- 4th February 11.15am – Holy Communion taken by Rev Julie Nicholson.
- 11th February 11.15am – Matins taken by Rev Steve Bullock. Do stay for a glass of wine afterwards.
- 18th February 11.15am – First Sunday in Lent. Holy Communion taken by Rev Julie Nicholson.
- 25th February 11.15am – Family Service taken by the local ministry team. Coffee / soft drinks and biscuits afterwards.
Coffee Morning
This popular event will be on Tuesday 20th February at the Cat & Custard Pot at 11.00am.
Mobile Post Office
Mondays and Thursdays every week from 10.30 – 11.30am.
Break-in and Car Theft
As many of you know a car was stolen in the village two weeks ago. Do keep your car keys somewhere safe.
Any more news let me know,
Village Website: www.shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk