Village News 21st October 2022

Village News 21st October 2022

Dear All,

St John the Baptist

The Revd Dr Steve Bullock, our new curate, will be taking the Family Service this Sunday at 11.15am. This will be the first service he is taking in Shipton Moyne so it would be good to give him a warm welcome and stay for coffee afterwards.

Remembrance Reflection Friday 11th November at 6.30pm 

Don’t forget to put this in your diaries. It should last about an hour and will be followed by a glass of wine and canapes.

A message from Julie Nicholson:

Thank you to all who have been in touch and offered to contribute readings, personal stories  and music. There’s still time for anyone wishing to take part. Meanwhile, all those who can make it are invited to a get together to look at material and a programme on Sunday 23rd October at 6pm in the Church, for about an hour.
07850 367779

Bonfire Night

As many of you will know, Shipton Moyne Fireworks are being revived this year after several years absence. I attach the flyer.

We are now looking for some volunteers to help with the gate, bar and BBQ. If you feel able to help please email James or Kate.

Tickets are available from Doreen Gibbings and the Cat & Custard Pot.  

£10 adults £5 children. It would be appreciated if you buy your tickets in advance so we have some idea of numbers for the bar and food!

If you are making a guy please use only combustible materials, ie no metal or plastics. If anyone wants some straw to stuff their guy we have plenty here.

Christmas Bazaar 19th November 2.30 – 5.00pm in the Village Hall

The Shipton Moyne Christmas Bazaar is happening again this year! All proceeds from this will be split between village charities.

There will be a Tombola run by Pauline Curthoys and Diane Peplow – all contributions to be delivered to them (no tinned food please).

A raffle run by Doreen Gibbings – prizes to Doreen, please.

Wreath-making demonstration by Jo from Scentiments at 3pm.

If you would like to run a stall at the Bazaar, please contact Pauline Curthoys.

Any more news let me know,
