Village News 20th December 2023

Village News 20th December 2023

Dear All,

A Message From Our Chaplain, Revd Julie Nicholson

Thank you to everyone who contributed to make the Carol service a wonderful occasion of community coming together in music, words, and hospitality. A lovely evening.  

Special thanks to Martin and Kate Allies for providing and serving the delicious mulled wine – and for doing all the washing up afterwards. Thanks also to all who made the wonderful canapes.

This is a bit of an appeal for help to make the church ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  If you are available to offer a little time on Saturday morning after the meet in Church Paddock. to come along and help decorate the church it would be much appreciated. The crib will be set up and made ready for the crib service on Christmas Eve, and the altar frontal changed. I look forward to seeing as many who can make it. We plan to meet at 11.15am.

I am also looking for sidesmen/vergers to help before services in the church.   In particular, if anyone is able to come and help before the Crib service on Sunday it would be most helpful.

Broadly speaking, the jobs include:  

  • Light church/altar candles and tea lights
  • Set up hymn numbers on boards 
  • Put hymn books and service sheets out
  • At the end of the service, clear away and ensure all candles are out (this doesn’t take very long)

At present there is no one in charge of church flowers so if anyone would like to take on this responsibility please get in touch either with Julie or one of the Church Wardens (James Birdwood and Ian Carling).

Carol Song Sheets

If anyone has some of the carol sheets left behind by the carol singers could they please drop them off in the church porch or at Street Farmhouse for re-use next year.

St John the Baptist

Sunday 24th December 

Crib Service taken by Revd Julie Nicholson 4pm.  Please bring your little ones along dressed as angels, kings, shepherds etc.  This is a short service with a few well loved carols.

Monday 25th December 

Christmas Day communion taken by Revd Julie Nicholson  11.15am.  A traditional family service which will be followed by a glass of prosecco (or two) in the Pizza Chalet.  Many thanks to the owners of the Cat & Custard Pot for this.

Sunday 31st December 

No service in Shipton Moyne – Benefice Service in Tetbury 10am.

Beaufort Hunt Meet on Saturday 23rd December

The Beaufort Hunt is meeting in Church Paddock on Saturday morning from 10.30am, and Richard and Lucy Boggis-Rolfe invite the village to come along and enjoy a drink, a sausage roll and a slice of Christmas cake.

Holly Thody Magical Mystery Tour

For anyone who missed the wonderful evening with Holly and the church please see below a YouTube link to her Video. Many thanks to Holly and the band for a fun evening.

Tetbury Goods Shed – Community Carols Friday 22nd December 6.30pm

Please come and join in our annual Community Carol Service on 22nd December with the Tetbury Community Choir and the Avening Band starting at 6.30pm – with mince pies and mulled wine after.

Entry is free but donations always appreciated.  As a charity we need and appreciate your support to help us continue bringing a wonderful range of events and happenings to Tetbury. Thank you.

Happy Christmas to all!


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