Dear All,
The Friends of Shipton Moyne Parish
Don’t forget the meeting this Sunday 28th of November in the Church at 12 noon. There will be refreshments served, tea, coffee, wine and soft drinks.
It will be held in the church as there is more space for social distancing than in the Village Hall.
Please come and encourage everyone else to join us.
More information below:
The Friends of Shipton Moyne Parish – what it is and what it will do
This new charity has been set up to enhance our community. It is independent of the church and the other village charities, but will support them all.
Examples of what the trust hopes to do include:
- Helping people who are in trouble, ill or bereaved by: providing transport for those who are unable to drive, to shop or visit the doctor; delivering meals to anyone too unwell to cook for themselves; maintaining the defibrillator; or helping to pay for special facilities for those who are disabled.
- Helping the young by making grants of money to school or university students.
- Supporting existing village charities including the PCC, the Village Hall and the Recreation Ground.
- Helping to keep the church alive for weddings, christenings and funerals, as well as normal services.
- Arranging for more use to be made of the church building for non-religious purposes such as concerts.
- Supporting community events such as bonfire night.
- We have sponsored and will maintain a village website – please take a look at shiptonmoynevillage.co.uk.
The trustees would like everyone in the parish to know about this new charity and to have a chance to suggest what we should try to do. So there will be an open meeting to explain our plans and to give everyone the chance to tell us how we can do most good.
The meeting will be at 12 midday on Sunday the 28th of November.
St John the Baptist
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. There will be a short family service at 11.15am taken by Ian and Chrissie Carling. Followed by coffee, biscuits and cake made by Ester. All welcome. The meeting will be after the service.
Church Cleaning
Pauline is organising a group to clean the church before Christmas on Tuesday 14th December. If you are able to help please contact Pauline or just turn up at 9.30am. All help welcome – the more the merrier! 01666 880515.
Church Flowers
Lucinda Rose has very kindly offered to take over organising the church flower rota. She has the list of those that normally help with the flowers but is hoping to find some more volunteers. If you feel you can help please contact Lucinda.
Christmas Services & Events
Sunday 4th December – Advent 2 – Holy Communion taken by Ian Aveyard at 11.15am
Sunday 12th December – Advent 3 – Matins taken by Sarah Parton. 11.15am Followed by a glass of wine.
Thursday 16th December – Carol Singing – Meeting at the Birdwoods at 6pm
Sunday 19th December – Advent 4 – Carol Service taken by Revd Poppy Hughes at 4pm. Mulled Wine and Canapes will be served after the service. If you are able please bring a plate of canapes. Please let Lucy Boggis-Rolfe or Pauline Curthoys know if you can.
Friday 24th December – Crib Service taken by Revd Pauline Setterfield at 4pm – a special service for the young (of all ages), Please come dressed as Angels, Shepherds, Kings etc.
Saturday 25th December – Christmas Day service taken by Rev Terry Bardell at 11.15am Terry took the service in the Churchyard last year so will be pleased to be inside this year.
Sunday 26th December – No service in Shipton Moyne. There will be a Benefice Service in Tetbury Church at 10am
Paul Lewis Art Show – Correction
Paul is having an exhibition of his artwork in Malmesbury and would love to see his friends from Shipton Moyne. If you can’t get to Malmesbury most of it is on line. It is running until the 2nd December in Malmesbury Town Hall.
Any other news, please let me know by responding to this email.