Dear All,
St John the Baptist
A reminder that there is no service this Sunday. As it is the Tetbury Music Festival, there is a benefice service in Tetbury at 10.30.
Message from Julie Nicholson about Remembrance
From the wealth of poetry written from human experience of war and conflict across the world and throughout time, an evening of poetry and music is planned to take place in St John’s on Friday 11th November to mark Remembrance. Readings will span not only WW1 and WW2 but also older, ancient battles and more recent conflicts. Music can be live and recorded. There will be poems and poets that are known and cherished, as well as lesser known works. This is open to anyone from around the village who would like to be involved. A range of ages and interests would be great.
If this sparks your interest, an enjoyment of performance, or simply a wish to be part of something to mark the occasion, please get in touch. There will be lots of ways to be involved if reading up front isn’t your thing. Either speak to me or drop me a line or text message. There will be an opportunity to meet and find out more once we have gauged interest. Don’t be shy!
Any news let me know,