Village News 18th February 2023

Village News 18th February 2023

Dear All,

St John the Baptist

There will be a service of Baptism this Sunday at 11.15am for Lilah Thornbury and Florence Wright. The service will be taken by the Revd Pauline Setterfield. All welcome.

Coffee Morning

The Cat & Custard Pot is having its monthly coffee morning next Tuesday 21st February at 11am. All welcome.


There will be a service at St Mary’s Tetbury on Ash Wednesday, 23rd February at 7pm.

Julie Nicholson is planning several village events over Lent:

LENT events for community and camaraderie
Midweek soup suppers around the village:

Wednesday 1st March
Wednesday 15th March
Wednesday 22nd March
Wednesday 29th March

*If anyone would like to host a supper please let Julie or Beth know

Tuesday 7th March

Soup, bread and cheese lunch in the Village Hall

Wednesday 8th March
Vices and Virtues: An evening of conversation over a glass of wine, exploring some of the facets that make us human. Venue detail to follow

Tuesday 4th April

All age Easter Biscuit decorating in the Village Hall.  

Please contact Julie if you would like to attend any of these events.

Any more news let me know,


Village Website: