Village News 17th July 2023

Village News 17th July 2023

Dear All,

Message from Julie Nicholson

Theatre Trip to Stratford upon Avon Thursday 3rd August 

On Saturday I saw a wonderful production of Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’ at the RSC.

With a cast of performers almost exclusively over the age of 70, the play is a celebration of age and imagination. The play was a complete joy, which I would encourage all to see.

Review here:

There are a a few tickets left, and a block booking might be possible if we are quick. For this reason, I would need to know asap, by Monday evening. Please call my mobile or email if you would like to go. 

Travel is by minibus so we can be transported in more ways than one. 

Julie Nicholson

07850 367779 or

Any more news let me know,


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